Last Monday night is when it all started. I just couldn't sleep. Don't know why, there's no particular reason, I didn't feel that tired but i knew i was. It made Tuesday a little hard because I was quite tired. Then Tuesday night, still couldn't sleep but this time it was because my stopped up nose was not allowing me to breathe properly. That's when i gave in and started playing game boy at 2 am. I was so tired of not feeling well and not sleeping and not knowing what to do about it that I ended up in tears, while playing Tetris. Needless to say, I didn't do as well as I could have (I'm typically awesome at Tetris). The rest of the week was somewhat better, well, the sleeping was better but the sinus problems were worse which has lead me to be at home from work today trying to sleep it off. It's 6:30 and I still feel crappy. If I have the flu tomorrow I'm checking into the hospital and staying until I deliver. Seriously. I knew this would be hard but I really had no idea. No book or website can prepare you. I was very angry with those of you out there who say "when i was pregnant it was great, I didn't even know i was pregnant," as I was crying on Tues. night but I know that's not the right attitude. I'm happy that it was easy for you, just a bit jealous. I don't believe you though, I think they give you memory erasing drugs soon after labor in the hospital but I'm on to that little trick and I'm not going to let it happen to me. The painful pregnancy has been helpful to my prayer life though. I have a moment every afternoon at work where i lock myself in the bathroom stall and pray that I won't be in pain anymore. It also gives me a chance to pray for all my other friends who are pregnant because I have a lot right now and I really do want them to have pain-free pregnancies.
Meanwhile, baby noname is kicking every day. Still softly as if to say "i'm still here" and I really appreciate that. I love searching for nursery stuff and mike and I are still trying to choose a name. You are free to weigh in if you have something good. It has to go with the middle name Michael though so keep that in mind.
I really hope it doesn't seem like I'm complaining, I am aware that this is a huge blessing and I'm incredibly excited about the baby getting here. I'm just trying to be real because I don't want to tell you everything's okay when it isn't. I know it's going to be eventually though. :-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Official Colors
Okay, I think this is it, the official nursery colors for baby nameless. It's hard to tell but the dots in the blankets are the colors of the paint chips. I think the walls will be painted the brown and accented with the other colors. The blankets shown are just some receiving blankets that match the set at Target. I still would like to find some of my own fabric that coordinates and make some of the bedding but who knows how that will go. If you see any fabric that you think will coordinate, just let me know!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More Nursery Inspiration

On another note, I was able to feel the baby kick with my hand for the first time today. I have been feeling him on the inside but when he started kicking today, I put my hand on my stomach and could feel him from the outside. It was amazing and allowed me to get my mind off the pain for a bit. I jumped up from my desk and ran across the room to tell someone because I just couldn't believe it (the guys i sit next to wouldn't have cared so I chose the running across the office method).
Monday, November 10, 2008
Baby Registry
First of all, let me start out by saying that pregnant women who have full time jobs or other children deserve a medal or something, it's hard!
So, I went and registered this weekend which is what i was most looking forward to. It was a lot of fun but very overwhelming and tiring. Thankfully, I had helpers, Connie went with me to Babies R Us and my mom and sister were with me at Target. I seriously couldn't have made it without them since I know nothing about babies or what products to get, they were a great help. So, I have posted the links below not for you to buy me things, so you can take a look and see if I have forgotten anything or gotten something that I should not have. I appreciate all the help I can get!
Babies R Us
So, I went and registered this weekend which is what i was most looking forward to. It was a lot of fun but very overwhelming and tiring. Thankfully, I had helpers, Connie went with me to Babies R Us and my mom and sister were with me at Target. I seriously couldn't have made it without them since I know nothing about babies or what products to get, they were a great help. So, I have posted the links below not for you to buy me things, so you can take a look and see if I have forgotten anything or gotten something that I should not have. I appreciate all the help I can get!
Babies R Us
Monday, November 3, 2008
Boy Nursery
Now that we finally know what we are having I can start thinking about a nursery. The pictures below are my favorite boy nursery I have seen so far. I have no idea how i will get those things on the ceiling or how to make them at all but i love it! Of course, I will make my own spin on this look but it's a good starting off point. I have to go out of town this week but hopefully will be registering on Sat. and I'll get to see what's out there for boys. I'm open for suggestions for must have items!

I feel like I must mention that yes, I'm very excited about our baby boy. If you have known me for more than 1 hour, you know I was hoping for a girl because I felt like that's what I would be a better girl mom, I mean, I'm a girl, surely I would know how to raise one. A boy on the other hand, I have no clue what to do with. I prayed that God would give us what would be best so a boy it is. Apparently God thinks it will be funny when a girl who doesn't know which sports have quarters and which sports have innings will be taking her son to soccer practice.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Every spring I get the urge to do some gardening and plant some vegetables that I will be able to eat when they grow. Finally this spring, I acted upon my dream and did what any great gardener would do. I had my husband dig a garden, plant some vegetables and water them for me while I watched them grow. It took all summer and half of the fall but I finally have vegetables (pictured below) The tomatoes still have not turned red so I'm just hoping they don't die as the weather gets cold. My mom and I did sample one tiny red tomato and it was delicious. So maybe next year they will be better.

Purple pepper. Don't know what that tastes like but it looks pretty!
Fall Decorations
I think I already posted something about fall decorations but I added some more! Here's my pumpkin pyramid.
For Halloween, I added some new decorations including the tissue paper puff balls that I made with the help of Martha Stewart. If you haven't been to Michaels lately, you should go. They have remodeled some of the stores and it's wonderful.

I also made some frames with Halloween paper and candleholders with Halloween rub-ons to decorate the table. I also found some skull garland which I tossed in chunky glitter- everything's better with glitter!
Another new addition to the home is a much needed dining table from West Elm. It's very grown up, it's expandable and very pretty. Of course, we don't have chairs but that's a minor problem. Do you think anyone would notice if I registered for dining chairs along with my baby registry?
I also made some frames with Halloween paper and candleholders with Halloween rub-ons to decorate the table. I also found some skull garland which I tossed in chunky glitter- everything's better with glitter!
Bad Dog.
The other day mike and I were working in the office installing some new cabinetry and putting together ikea furniture and really working hard when i heard a weird noise from the other room and went to check and see what it was. To my dismay, I find our sweet innocent newest puppy sitting on the futon tearing the keys off of Mikes keyboard and placing them beside the computer. I'm not sure what possessed him to do this, his fascination with computers is a new one because he had never tried this before. He took careful effort not to chew the keys, his only goal was to remove them from the keyboard.
Mike attempted to put them back on the keyboard but Charger had taken the keys off as well as the tiny plastic pieces behind the keys that held them on so it was a lost cause.
Here is Charger in his bed feeling bad about what he did. He better feel bad, it cost us more to fix the computer than he cost.
The computer went to the Apple store where it is still and we forgave Charger and he's sitting in my lap as I type, I'm just keeping his face away from the keyboard!
Baby Update
Yea, I'm 1/2 way done- 20 weeks down, 20 more to go. That seems like forever. Well, we find out tomorrow what we are having assuming the baby cooperates during the ultrasound and I am going to try and post here as soon as I find out using the modern technology of the cell phone, we will see how it goes.
The question I get asked most often is "how are you feeling?" In an effort to be real and not smile and say "everything's great" I have probably told you that it's not been easy. I didn't have morning sickness my first trimester, just major sinus & acid reflux problems that caused me to have times when i would wake up in the middle of the night and be gasping for breath, I always hoped Mike would wake up enough to call 911 if i passed out on the floor. Other than that and the crazy food aversions it wasn't too bad. Somewhere in there I started having pain in my left ribcage. It would start in the afternoon and last until I went to bed. Unfortunately, this symptom has continued and gotten worse as I have gone along. I spend the majority of the day in a lot of pain that only lying down can cure and that isn't really appropriate at work. Now the pain has moved into the same part in my back and standing makes it much worse. I'm seeing a chiropractor on Tuesday and praying for a miracle because i leave for a business trip that evening and i really don't know how i'm going to make it. I've talked to the Dr. about it and she hasn't offered me any advise except Tylenol but that really doesn't help much. I'm scared this is going to last for 5 more months and get worse and i don't know how i can make it. I'm so frustrated because i can't get anything done, we have some major projects to do in addition to the minor ones and I can't even hang up all the clean laundry because i can't stand the pain.
The other unexpected symptom is the anxiety. I think some anxiety is normal because you want everything to be okay but sometimes mine is way worse than that. I was expecting to be crying a lot and have moments of insane anger and those moments have been at a minimum while the moments of intense worry and anxiety are there instead. Ugh, hormones! Don't worry, I'm going to talk to my Dr. about it and I'm watching it very closely to make sure it doesn't get out of control.
So what's the good stuff? Well, I'm having a baby and that's very exciting. Since i spend most of my time wondering about how i'm going to make it through the pregnancy, I am not worried at all about when the baby gets here, actually I'm quite excited. Also, I have gotten to buy some new clothes and that's fun. Well, I'll try and keep you posted better and hopefully after tomorrow i can post some ultrasound photos!
The question I get asked most often is "how are you feeling?" In an effort to be real and not smile and say "everything's great" I have probably told you that it's not been easy. I didn't have morning sickness my first trimester, just major sinus & acid reflux problems that caused me to have times when i would wake up in the middle of the night and be gasping for breath, I always hoped Mike would wake up enough to call 911 if i passed out on the floor. Other than that and the crazy food aversions it wasn't too bad. Somewhere in there I started having pain in my left ribcage. It would start in the afternoon and last until I went to bed. Unfortunately, this symptom has continued and gotten worse as I have gone along. I spend the majority of the day in a lot of pain that only lying down can cure and that isn't really appropriate at work. Now the pain has moved into the same part in my back and standing makes it much worse. I'm seeing a chiropractor on Tuesday and praying for a miracle because i leave for a business trip that evening and i really don't know how i'm going to make it. I've talked to the Dr. about it and she hasn't offered me any advise except Tylenol but that really doesn't help much. I'm scared this is going to last for 5 more months and get worse and i don't know how i can make it. I'm so frustrated because i can't get anything done, we have some major projects to do in addition to the minor ones and I can't even hang up all the clean laundry because i can't stand the pain.
The other unexpected symptom is the anxiety. I think some anxiety is normal because you want everything to be okay but sometimes mine is way worse than that. I was expecting to be crying a lot and have moments of insane anger and those moments have been at a minimum while the moments of intense worry and anxiety are there instead. Ugh, hormones! Don't worry, I'm going to talk to my Dr. about it and I'm watching it very closely to make sure it doesn't get out of control.
So what's the good stuff? Well, I'm having a baby and that's very exciting. Since i spend most of my time wondering about how i'm going to make it through the pregnancy, I am not worried at all about when the baby gets here, actually I'm quite excited. Also, I have gotten to buy some new clothes and that's fun. Well, I'll try and keep you posted better and hopefully after tomorrow i can post some ultrasound photos!
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