I blinked and July is 1/2 way over. What happened? Like a million things and I don't remember most of them.
- Cason is 16 months old now. He's finally developing a vocabulary which consists of Mama, Dada, banana (pronounced nana), Brown bear (while handing me the book), Lolli (pronounced lala), bath (pronounced ba), there are more but I can't think of them right now. He has quite a few signs he does as well. So far, he doesn't say any of the words that he signs, guess he figures he doesn't need to. He points and grunts a lot also. How do you stop the grunting?
- Summer is a very busy time at church. There's always a camp, or a lunch, or something going on. Cason has gotten to spend a lot more time with the kids at church and he loves being the object of their attention.
- Cason and I spent a day at Merge camp in Sherman- great camp and great kids. We enjoyed running through the pouring rain with the kids to rec. We also enjoyed 2 days in Falls Creek Oklahoma at jr. high camp. It was, um... rustic. I probably would have never noticed when I was in Jr. High but when I come with a baby, metal bunk beds and muddy floors look a little different. The kids were great and so was the food. The chefs were my mom and sister- and the rumor is that they won some prizes in a cooking contest. More on that later.
- I ended my first quarter teaching and enjoyed a 3 week break. This week I started a new 3 day a week teaching schedule with Drafting 1 again and picked up Drafting 2 and Intro to Interior Design. I'm not sure how this 3 day a week teaching thing will go but so far, so good.
- We got new, new floors. The bamboo is gone. The bamboo I never really got a good picture of is gone and brand new tile is in. New tile in the kitchen, living room, and entry. New tile that sits on top of our living room that is no longer 5" below the rest of the rooms in the house. New baseboards to complete the look and a new ceiling paint in the den. About a million touch-ups on the million paint colors we have in the house and this may be the last remodeling we ever, ever do. More on that later.
- In like 3 weeks I turn 30. I'm not excited. More on that later.
I wish i had pictures, my camera is broken, my computer is gone, and i'm tired.
Good night.