More like 5 slaps. 2 has taken over and I'm getting eaten alive. Cason got to this stage so quickly I don't feel at all prepared. Today in addition to getting slapped 5 times, headbutted, a favorite dish got broken and I lost my religion with the dog. That has nothing to do with Cason being 2 but it might not have happened if I hadn't had such a rough day.
I feel terrible saying this but I can't handle being stuck inside anymore. It's 0 degrees outside and everything is covered with ice and school has been cancelled the last two days and it's cancelled tomorrow too. I liked my routine. Tuesday while Cason was in school I cleaned the house. So, the house is messy. Wednesday mornings we went to BSF and I really enjoy that that time... but that didn't happen. Thursdays while Cason is in school I write my lessons for Thursday and Friday. Not going to happen. I'm out of activities to keep us busy and my house is somewhat of a disaster. I should be thankful we have heat and each other but I'm just ready to get the routine back. I hope I'm not alone.
Oh, and can one of my 3 readers please tell me how to stop Cason from throwing things when he gets frustrated? If you hate commenting on blogs please email me or something.... It's an emergency. Also, tell me if you are supposed to spank and do time out or just spank.