Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy 2014

 Happy 2014!  
Only a month late.  
I like to have a brunch on New Years Day.  Once we had kids it became really hard to get out on New Year's eve.  Finding a babysitter, affording a place, staying out late.  It's just too hard.  However, I don't like to miss an opportunity to have a party, so I do a party on New Years Day. 
It turned out so fun!

 I found this punch recipe on pinterest.  It's something like sprite, pina coloda frozen mix (no alcohol), banana orange pineapple juice, and maybe some other stuff.  (You can see all my oils in the background- love them!)

 These were pears with bacon on top sprinkled with paprika and cinnamon.  Delicious!

 Salad served in martini glasses = super fun salad.

The chalkboard in the kitchen.

 I love these snowflakes so I had to take a picture.  I got them a few years ago 1/2 off at pier one. 

 Super easy cardboard numbers sprayed with silver spraypaint!

 Yummy coffee cake made with those rolls that are frozen then rise when you set them out. 

I made some photo props because I thought it would be fun!  

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