Mike Recently spoke at a local private school at their chapel. He did an awesome job. I know that because all the kids wrote him thank you notes and they told him that. I picked a few of my favorites to share. I kept the spelling as it was in the letter. oh, these are 5th graders.
Dear Mr. Mike,
Thanks for speaking in chapel today. God always gives second chances. It helps to see that and it is easier to relax.
Dear Mr. Mike,
I like your hair. I think that forgiveness what you preached on was just right for what were going through.
Dear Mr. Mike,
Thank you so much for all the time, energy, money, and everything else to make this chapel fun. You were great and I liked the kid-friendliness in your voice. You are an awesome guy. Your message helped me understand lots of things better. Thanks for everything.
Dear Mr. Mike,
I loved your speech! You are the coolest, awesomest, and the most rockin' dude I have ever met! Thanks!
Rock On!
P.S. Thanks so much again, whenever you get the chance could you come back? Peace out!
Dear Mr. Mike,
I loved your speech today! It was very intertaining. I wish that you could come more often but you can't. By the way you rock my socks off!
Dear Mr. Mike,
Thanks for coming and talking because otherwise we would still have to be in class, and I bet you know how boring that can be! I loved how you said that we need to forgive because that really sunk into me and I fully understood it. Thanks!
Dear Mr. Mike,
Thank you for teaching to us in chapel, you a rocking dud. Please next time can you give the card to me.
(he gave a gift card as part of the lesson)
Dear Mr. Mike
Thanks for teaching chapel to our undeveloped mines. You rock for that.
Dear Mr. Mike,
Thank you for speaking in chapel today. I remember going to FBC. Whenever you came up I knew it was going to be fun. Thank you for reminding us that God loves us.
Wow, this is so cute! Mike must be very glad that he is such a popular dud.
This is hilarious! I am proud of Mike for helping their "undeveloped mines".
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