Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sleep, Precious Sleep

Last night we had a breakthrough. Cason fell asleep at 11:00, I put him and myself to bed and at 5:45 this morning he woke up becuase he was hungry. I kicked Mike (that's his signal to get up and change the baby so I can feed him) and exclaimed excitedly "it's 5:45!" I can't remember the last time I was happy that it was 5:45 am but this morning, I wanted to throw a party. Now I know we will have setbacks and bad nights still to come but I feel like we have conqured a huge milestone (sleeping more than 3 hours) and it's very exciting. If it happens 1-2 more times he's moving to his own room!


Brittany said...

Go Cason, go!

Anjolee said...

Hooray for you! Hooray for Cason! I pray he keeps it up!

LNel said...

Girl, I am so praying for you! It is very hard to balance it all. That is great that he is sleeping better now. I bet he will continue to stay on track.

Cruson Crew said...

Yea!! You probably felt like you had slept a month!! I thought Mike looked well-rested this morning at church! hehe!! Hope you wake in the morning and the clock says 7am!!!! 3 Cheers for SLEEP!!

Lexi said...

Oh I am so glad he only took a little cat nap on me that night then :) He is super cute! Yay for sleep!

Lauren said...

Yeah Cason!! What perfect timing with you going back to work - I consider that a blessing from heaven for you - extra sleep for a first full day back - thank you Jesus!

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