Can't show my decorations without showing this cutie! I think the likes the tree a little too much though!

I got this wreath last year at Target for 75% off and I just love it. It sparkles like most everything in the house now so how could you not love it?

My favorite Christmas word. I have a set of these plates- each a little different that I put in my "tea bar"

I got the idea for this wreath at The Nesters web site. I made it a few weeks ago and it's my new favorite decoration. I don't know how the entry hall ever went without it. Can I leave it up all year long?

The Noel is a sticker from Uppercase Living that I applied to a tile. I love working at a place where I can get tiles for free. It's a really cool tile although you can't tell that from the photo!

I found a kit one year for this JOY but of course, I only used the letters from it, the paper and accessories in the kit just wouldn't do, it needed some jazzing up. I really like how they turned out!

These trees represent everything that is good in life. Not really but they are fabulous. Totally covered in white and silver sequins. I found them for 50% off at wal mart of all places. It makes me want to go back to wal mart after christmas this year to see what I can find... well, that may be a little extreme, 1 year at walmart is enough.

Random decorations in the kitchen. What you can't really see is the complete disaster that is the bench below these nice decorations. oh well, as long as eye level looks good. The pinecones were supposed to be spraypainted silver but that might be a 2010 project.

A little silver tree to hold all the Christmas cards we get. Yes, I realizes that it looses some festivity when there's piles of junk around it but it's the thought that counts.

More cone trees. Yea! This is how I picture baby Jesus coming into the world. Sparkly cone trees and really cool stars in the sky. Well, maybe not really but this is the reason for the season (baby Jesus, not cone trees & glitter). We are talking a lot about the book of Luke right now in church so if you need a refresher on the Christmas story... the REAL Christmas story, I recommend starting with the book of Luke in the Bible.

I wish this picture had gotten turned properly. But, it's the super cool advent calender I mowed someone down for the day after Christmas last year at Target. My mom filled each day with a paper and a piece from the manger scene I have in Cason's room and we read them together each day. Our stockings are below. Can you tell which one belongs to who? Well, I purchased the white one for Cason but I am secretly jealous he gets the one with the big sequins. Then Mike says guys can't have sequin stockings so i guess I get 2. Maybe he can just put a sock out for Christmas morning.
W.O.W. I am amazed! Everything looks fantastic and very festive. I feel bad now because I did not put up a tree or any decorations of any kind. Well...does the 3 Christmas cards on the mantle count?
What a cool fireplace and such pretty decorations. I especially like the "joy" plate.
I love it all! Great job!
Beautiful decorations! Your house is always so festive!
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Hum...don't you just love spam comments...Anyways I just love your JOY in the tree. I am perfect.
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