Oh No!!!!
That's what I was saying this morning when I was brushing my hair and I saw it. A big gray hair. While Taylor Hicks is able to pull it off, I don't think it will be quite as acceptable in a 27 yr. old female. Now this is not my first one, it's my third. The first two, though, I thought were caused by stress, I thought since it was a particularly stressful time at work, i had gotten a few gray hairs. Now, work is not stressful so it must be that I'm starting to go gray. This one was big, right in the middle of my head, and longer than the others I had found. I wonder how many there are that i can't see? It all makes sense now though. My skin has gotten terrible, wrinkles are showing up, and now I'm going gray. Mark this as the month where I figured out that I will have to dye my hair for the rest of my life! On top of that, I'm incredibly tired- i exercise, eat right, and drink lots of water so it has to be the aging thing. If this is what it's like to get old, sign me up for assisted living now. Do you think they send people to clean the house in assisted living? I'm in.
Girl, you are not old. Wait until you hit 30...then it's all over after that. ha-ha
That is not cool. I'm going to go check to see if I have any and if I do.....it will be the scream heard round the world.
Now remember how beautiful your grandmother's hair was. . .
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