It's pretty much the best reality show ever... or at least that's what I think. Well, the top 10 contestants are on tour and they were at Nokia last night and I got to go! A sweet friend got a ticket for me and we headed out for the 8:00 show. We hiked up to our seats at the 2nd from the top row in the balcony (not complaining, i was just so happy to be there). As we start looking around we realize that we are the only people there our age. Everyone is younger, or a parent of someone younger. I was fortunate to sit by a young girl, probably 12 years old and her mother. This sweet girl had binoculars and was happy to give her mother the play by play throughout the show on who was dancing which routine, and she defiantly had her favorites. When one of these favorites appeared on the stage, she screamed an ear piercing scream, not once, but throughout the routine. After intermission, i thought i would give the girl a sample of what it was like to sit by a screamer. So every time she would scream, I would scream. Unfortunately, i think it made her scream more, and it made my throat hurt. I just learned to stick my finger in my ear at key times and I was able to enjoy the show.
It was an amazing show- 2-1/2 hours of dancing- solos, group numbers, and partners. Most of the best dances from the show were performed. I sat there most of the show in disbelief that their bodies could actually do those things in real life. This was the only picture i got. it's zoomed in as far as my camera will go and we were not allowed to flash so it's as good as it gets. I think MTV has reruns of the show so try and catch it if you can!
omg sytycd is the best show EVER!!!! i cant wait till i go to the show!!
You write very well.
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