Did you know maternity clothes are not made for all 9 months? Really, they are made from about 4-8 moths. In the beginning, the maternity clothes are too big, they never look right. I have recently discovered that in the 9th month, maternity clothes don't fit either. Those long tops that looked like dresses at the beginning don't cover your entire belly. There was an episode of Friends where Rachael was pregnant and she was headed to the dr. in a tank top that looked similar to the one above. Ross looked at her and said "don't you want to change first". She said "No" and at the time, I remember thinking, "that's funny but i would never leave the house like that". Well I'm telling you I'm not far from it. Nothing fits, I'm not going to buy new clothes for 2 weeks and I just really don't care anymore. On top of that, my precious dog just chewed the 1 pair of flip flops that actually fits. I know it's hard to believe because most of you think that flip flops will always fit but I'm telling you, enough swelling and not even flip flops fit. So, if you see me in Target barefoot in a much too small tank top, please don't laugh or point, just nod sympathetically and say a little prayer that Cason will come soon!
hehehe!!! This gave me a good laugh!!! So true.
You are so funny and so right! I think I went to the hospital bare foot to have Sarah because my feet were so swollen. It will be over soon - hang in there!
So true! I remember thinking that you know the baby is coming soon, when your shirt will not stretch to meet the waistband of the maternity pants! I don't know if this helps, but Old Navy has 2 pair of flip flops for $5. You could just buy a bigger size and give them away later! :)
Ok...I'm trying not to laugh because I know you are miserable and probably don't think any of this is funny...but sometimes the truth is just great comedy. Some day you will look back at this and laugh. I hope.
Saw your comment about my laundry room. The basket up on the wall is pure accident! I hate it on top of the dryer too. It's actually wedged up under the sprinkler control panel that's on the wall behind the dryer. Works out pretty well keeping it up and out of the way.
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