I'm sorry I haven't had time to post the whole story but I will soon. Here is a brief update: the dr's are thinking pnemonia (sp?) and he needs to be on antibitics for 7 days as well as be monitored. So, that puts him coming home on thurs. I think there are many factors that could change that but that's what we are praying for now. Thanks for all your encouragement and prayers!

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the Harveys are so blessed to have such wounderful Christian friends. Cason is a lucky young boy who will come to know the joy and love that God, his family and friends have for him. our prayers will continue and we await his homecoming.
i never could spell very good.
He is so cute!! I hope and pray that he continues to get better! Look at all that dark hair! He might need a haircut already! :) Be strong, you can do this, you have a lot of people praying for your strength and your son's strength! Lean on God and he has Mike there for you to physically lean on. Cason keep fighting off all the bad and go home with your mommy and daddy! You will like it better there, i promise!
He is beautiful you guys!! We are praying for quick healing for sweet Cason. Let us know if you need anything!
Oh girl! He is sooooo cute! Every picture I see, he keeps getting cuter! I am so sorry that ya'll are having to go through this, but God has HUGE plans for your little guy! Ya'll are definitely in our prayers. Please, again-let me know if there is ANYTHING that I can do for you.
PS- let me know when he needs his first haircut-it's probably going to be soon! tee-hee :)
He is so cute! We have been praying for you. I'm glad to hear that he should be home soon. Can't wait to see him.
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